How to Write “Hello, World!” Program in Python

admin-img By Manvinder Singh

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Python is one of the robust, widely utilized, object-oriented, high-level programming languages. It is one of the famous coding languages and used for machine learning, data analysis, and more. If you are newbie and starting with python, In this blog, we will explain how you can write the first program which is named as “Hello Word” in python. So let’s learn how to write “Hello World” Program in Python.

What is ‘Hello World’ Really Used for?

As per the K & R’s original, Hello World was not to check or see “Hello World” on terminal. But it was instead to make sure that you have all the tools and basic knowledge and information about C language and UNIX Programming environment required in order to write a C Program, and having the tools and knowledge to develop programs in the vital first steps.

Starting a programming project is often more complex than it seems at first. It’s not just about writing code or using a compiler. You also need to understand how programs are packaged, set up a proper build environment, plan for version control, figure out how to compile and build the program, and define what the final product should do. While writing a basic “Hello, World” program might only take a few lines of code, preparing the environment to start developing it can involve many steps. Once these initial challenges are solved, the rest of the development becomes much smoother.

Steps to Write “Hello, World!” Program in Python

Here are the simple steps on How to print “Hello, World!” in Python:

Step 1: Install Python (if not already installed)

Install it on your computer and ensure the “Add Python to PATH” option is checked during installation.

Step 2: Open a Code Editor or IDE

Use a text editor like Notepad, or a code editor/IDE like VS Code, PyCharm, or IDLE (Python’s built-in editor).

Step 3: Write the Code

  • Open the editor and create a new file.
  • Write the following code:
    print(“Hello, World!”)


  • Save the file with a .py extension (e.g.,

Step 4: Run the Program

Option 1: Using the Command Line

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Navigate to the folder where your .py file is saved.
  • Run the program by typing:


    You should see the output: Hello, World!

Option 2: Using an IDE

  • Open the file in your chosen IDE.
  • Run the program using the “Run” or “Play” button.

Step 5: You have Created Python Program

You’ve just created and executed your first Python program!

Summing Up

The “Hello, World!” program in Python is a simple yet fundamental example that marks the beginning of a programming journey. It helps learners understand the basics of Python syntax and how to display output using the `print()` function. Its simplicity highlights Python’s ease of use and makes it an ideal starting point for beginners. By following above mentioned steps you can easily run hello world program in python. Moreover, you can also run python script in Linux VPS, if you are using Linux VPS server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is the purpose of the “Hello, World!” program in programming?
Ans. It serves as a simple introduction to the syntax of a programming language and confirms that the programming environment is set up correctly.
Q 2. How is the “Hello, World!” program used as a learning tool for beginners?
Ans.It helps beginners understand basic concepts such as syntax, structure, and output functionality without overwhelming them.
Q 3. How can I write a “Hello, World!” program in Python?
Ans.To write “Hello, World!” program in Python, type the following code:

print(“Hello, World!”)


Q 4. What does the “print” function do in programming?
Ans. It outputs text or other data to the screen or console.
Q 5. Can I write a “Hello World” program in JavaScript?
Ans. Yes, the code would look like this:

console.log(“Hello, World!”);


Q 6. How does “Hello, World!” differ across programming languages?
Ans. The syntax and structure may vary depending on the language, but the concept remains the same: displaying the text “Hello, World!”
Q 7. What is the importance of syntax in a “Hello, World!” program?
Ans. Syntax ensures that the code is interpreted and executed correctly by the programming language’s compiler or interpreter.
Q 8. Is it possible to write a “Hello World” program in a compiled language?
Ans. Yes, for example, in C:



int main() {


printf(“Hello, World!\n”);


return 0;




Q 9. Can I use “Hello, World!” in a scripting language?
Ans. Absolutely! For example, in Bash:

echo “Hello, World!”


Q 10. What does “Hello, World!” do in Python?
Ans. It outputs the text Hello, World! to the console.
Q 11. What is the importance of Python in coding?
Ans. Python is versatile, easy to learn, and widely used for web development, data science, automation, and more.


By Manvinder Singh

Manvinder Singh is the Founder and CEO of HostingSeekers, an award-winning go-to-directory for all things hosting. Our team conducts extensive research to filter the top solution providers, enabling visitors to effortlessly pick the one that perfectly suits their needs. We are one of the fastest growing web directories, with 500+ global companies currently listed on our platform.