To see real-time data regarding CPU, memory, disk usage, and active processes, use the built-in system monitoring tools "top," "htop," or "glances."
Check resource usage using commands like ‘free’ (for memory), ‘df’ (for disk space), and ‘du’ (for directory disk usage).
Use tools like ‘iftop’ or ‘nload’ to monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage. This helps in identifying any network-related issues or abnormal activity.
Make sure there is enough space on the server's filesystems by regularly checking disk space utilization using the 'df' command. Low disk space might cause the system to malfunction and perform worse.
Utilize the most recent security patches and updates to keep the system updated. To find and apply updates, use package management tools like 'yum' (CentOS/RHEL) or 'apt' (Debian/Ubuntu).