Top Security Risks in Cloud Computing

Data Breaches

Unauthorized access to sensitive data is the primary concern. It might do harm to one's finances and reputation.

Data Loss

There is a risk of data loss which can disrupt your business operations. Data loss can occur due to accidental deletion or cyber-attacks, etc.

Account Hijacking

Account hijacking is an additional danger. Your cloud accounts may be targeted by attackers, which could lead to data theft and illegal transactions.

Insecure APIs

Your APIs run the danger of being exploited if they are badly built. Unauthorized access and data breaches may result from this.

Denial of Service Attacks

Overloading cloud services can make them unavailable, causing significant business interruptions.

Shared Technology Vulnerabilities

Exploits in shared resources can affect multiple cloud customers, leading to widespread damage.

Learn The Types of SSL Certificates and Which Is Best
