Tips for Optimizing Website Performance on Linux Hosting

Content Compression

– Enable Gzip compression to reduce      the size of your website files before      they are sent to the user's browser. – Use tools like mod_deflate for Apache    or ngx_http_gzip_module for Nginx.


– Implement browser caching to store     static files locally on the user's device. – Leverage server-side caching      mechanisms such as Varnish or     Memcached.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Utilize a CDN to distribute static assets across multiple servers globally, reducing latency for users.

Optimize Images

– Compress and resize images to reduc    e their file size without compromising     quality. – Consider lazy loading for images to     load them only when they come into     the user's viewport.

Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

– Remove unnecessary characters and     white spaces to reduce file sizes. – Tools like UglifyJS, YUI Compressor,     and Closure Compiler can help.

Use a Content Delivery System (CMS) Wisely

– Opt for lightweight CMS systems. – Regularly update your CMS and     plugins to ensure optimal performance    and security.

Database Optimization

– Optimize database queries to reduce     load times. – Remove unnecessary data and     optimize database tables regularly.

Master  Linux Hosting  Secrets for Unrivaled Website Performance
