Serverless Computing

Explore Its Benefits and Limitations


Cost Efficiency

Serverless computing is often billed on a pay-as-you-go model, meaning users only pay for the actual computing resources consumed. This can lead to cost savings.

Reduced Operational Overhead

Developers are relieved from server management, letting them concentrate on coding and feature implementation instead of handling infrastructure issues.

Automatic High Availability

Serverless platforms offer automatic redundancy and high availability by distributing functions across multiple servers and data centers, minimizing the risk of downtime.

Cold Start Latency

Serverless functions experience a latency known as "cold start" when they are invoked for the first time or after a period of inactivity.


Vendor Lock-In

Adopting a serverless architecture can lead to vendor lock-in, as each cloud provider has its own unique implementation of serverless computing.

State Management

Serverless functions are typically stateless, and managing state between function invocations can be challenging.

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