Resolving  ERR_TOO_MANY_ REDIRECTS  Error in WordPress

Check your Site URL settings

– Log in to your WordPress dashboard. – Go to Settings > General. – Ensure that both the "WordPress    Address (URL)" and "Site Address    (URL)" are set correctly. They should    match your actual domain.

Check .htaccess file

– Connect to your website using an FTP     client or File Manager in your hosting      control panel. – Locate the .htaccess file in the root      directory of your WordPress      installation. – Make a backup of the file. – Open the .htaccess file and make sure      it does not contain any conflicting       rules or redirects.

Check for Plugin conflicts

– Deactivate all plugins. – Check if the error persists. – If the error is gone, reactivate each     plugin one by one to identify the     problematic plugin.

Check theme issues

– Temporarily switch to a default     WordPress theme (like Twenty      Twenty-One). – See if the error persists. If not, your      theme might be causing the issue.

Update WordPress and Plugins

Ensure that your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins are up to date.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Clear your browser cookies and cache, or try accessing the website in incognito mode.

Check SSL settings

If you recently installed an SSL certificate, make sure it's configured correctly.

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