How To Start Selling Domains

A Step-by-Step Guide

Research and Select Marketable Domains

Understand market trends and popular keywords. Use tools to find valuable keywords and look for domains with potential resale value.

Purchase Domains

Use reputable domain registrars to register domains. Consider buying domains with different extensions (.com, .net, .org) for added value.

Build a Portfolio

Accumulate a diverse portfolio of domains to increase your chances of finding buyers. Categorize your domains based on niche, industry, or keyword.

Set Realistic Prices

Research similar domain sales to determine a reasonable asking price. Consider the length, keyword popularity, and extension when setting prices.

Create a Professional Website

Build a clean and easy-to-navigate website to showcase your domain portfolio. Include relevant information about each domain and contact details.

Market Your Domains

Utilize social media platforms to promote your domains. List your domains on domain marketplaces and optimize your website for search engines to attract potential buyers.

What Are Expired Domain Names and How to Buy One?
