How to Migrate  Your  Website to  a  New Host Without Downtime

Choose a Host

The very first step in transferring a website is to choose the relevant web hosting provider that meets your website’s requirements.

Backup Your Website

Second steps is to backup your files and databases as it prevents from loosing your vital information.

Set Up the New Host

Create the new hosting environment by  uploading your website files and databases to the new server.

Update DNS Settings

Updating DNS setting is another vital step to decrease downtime. Therefore, change and update your DNS setting to point to the new host’s server.

Test the New Setup

Test and review your new set and make sure that everything operates seamlessly before publishing it live.

Monitor the Transition

Keep Monitoring your website at the DNS propagation period to quickly address any obstacles that arise.

Final Check

Once the DNS changes have fully propagated, perform a final check to ensure everything is functioning smoothly on the new host.

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