How to check Server Performance in Linux

Top Command

Displays real-time system summary. Shows tasks, CPU usage, memory  usage, and running processes. Usage: top

Htop Command

An enhanced version of top. Provides a more user-friendly interface . Usage: htop Install with: sudo apt-get install htop

Vmstat Command

Reports virtual memory statistics. Shows processes, memory, paging,  block IO, traps, and CPU activity. Usage: vmstat

Iostat Command

Monitors system input/output device loading. Helps identify performance issues with storage. Usage: iostat Install with: sudo apt-get install sysstat

Free Command

Displays amount of free and used memory in the system. Shows swap usage as well. Usage: free -h (for human-readable format)

Netstat Command

Provides network statistics. Displays network connections, routing  tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. Usage: netstat -tuln

SAR Command

Collects, reports, and saves system activity information. Useful for long-term performance analysis. Usage: sar Install with: sudo apt-get install sysstat

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