How to Back Up  and  Restore Your Website Using Plesk

Backing Up and Restoring Your Website with Plesk

Regularly backing up your website is crucial for protecting your data in case of unexpected events like server crashes or accidental deletions.

Logging in to Plesk

Access your Plesk control panel by entering your login details in the designated fields on your web hosting provider's website.

Accessing Backup Manager

In the Plesk interface, locate the "Websites & Domains" section on the left-hand sidebar menu. Within "Websites & Domains," click on "Backup Manager." Slide 4

Creating a Backup

Once in the Backup Manager, click the "Back Up" button to initiate the backup process.

Specifying Backup Content

Website files and directories Databases Mail accounts and configurations Logs (optional)

Choosing Backup Type

Full backup: Creates a complete copy of all selected website data.

Customizing Backup Options

Backup name Password protection (optional) Backup destination

Take control of your website's security
