Domain Name System and  Domain Name Server

Explore the Difference

Conceptual vs. Implementation

DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a conceptual framework and protocol used to translate domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.

DNS Server: A Domain Name Server (DNS Server), on the other hand, is a physical or virtual server that implements the DNS protocol.

Scope of Functionality

DNS: DNS includes the entire system of domain name resolution, including the structure of domain names, the protocols used for DNS queries and responses.

DNS Server: DNS servers are specialized machines or software applications that perform specific tasks within the DNS system.

Hierarchy vs. Individual Instance

DNS: DNS operates as a hierarchical system with multiple layers, such as root DNS servers, top-level domain (TLD) servers and more.

DNS Server: A DNS server functions as an individual instance within the broader DNS hierarchy.

Abstraction vs. Concrete Entity

DNS: DNS provides an abstract framework for organizing domain names and IP addresses.

DNS Server: DNS servers are concrete entities that perform the practical work of translating domain names into IP addresses and vice versa.

Concept vs. Implementation Detail

DNS: DNS is a fundamental concept in computer networking and the internet, defining how domain names are translated into IP addresses.

DNS Server: A DNS server is an implementation detail of the DNS system, providing the infrastructure necessary to support domain name resolution and internet navigation.

Learn The Difference Between  Domain, Subdomain, Add-on Domain and Park Domain
