Difference Between  Web Server  &  Web Host



Role of a Web Server in serving website content to users Role of a Web Host in providing storage space and server resources for hosting websites


Web Server: Hardware or software that serves web content to users Web Host: Company or service that provides server space and resources for hosting websites

Ownership and Control

Web Server: Owned and controlled by website owners or administrators Web Host: Managed and maintained by the hosting provider


Web Server: Responsible for processing requests and delivering web pages to users' browsers Web Host: Provides server space, bandwidth, and other resources for hosting websites


Web Server: Physically located in data centers or server facilities Web Host: Offers hosting services from their data centers or server farms

Scalability and Resources

Web Server: Scalability depends on hardware capacity and configuration Web Host: Offers scalable hosting plans with varying resources based on needs

Technical Support

Web Server: Technical support is typically provided by the server administrator or the organization responsible for maintaining the server infrastructure. Web Host: Technical support is offered by the hosting provider, assisting users with server-related issues, configurations, and troubleshooting.

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