Black Section Separator

Crucial Command-Line Tools for Linux Server Monitoring

Black Section Separator

Monitoring your Linux server remotely via the command line can be crucial for keeping track of its performance and ensuring its smooth operation.

Here are some commonly used monitoring tools:

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This command provides a dynamic real-time view of the running system. It displays information about CPU, memory, processes, and more. Simply type ‘top’ in your terminal to run it. Press 'q' to exit.

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Similar to top but with an improved user interface and more features. It provides a better visualization of system resources. Install it if it's not already available by running ‘sudo apt install htop’ (for Ubuntu/Debian) or ‘sudo yum install htop’ (for CentOS/RHEL). Then run ‘htop’ to start it.

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This command is used for monitoring system input/output device loading. It provides statistics on CPU, disk, and network I/O usage. Run ‘iostat’ in the terminal to get an overview of I/O statistics.

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Details regarding processes, memory, paging, block IO, traps, and CPU activity are reported by the vmstat command. Get a snapshot of system activity by running "vmstat."

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