Common Mistakes to  Avoid  During a  Domain Transfer

Lack of Preparation

Mistake: Not thoroughly preparing for the domain transfer process. Solution: Plan ahead, gather necessary information, and understand the transfer requirements of both the current and new domain registrar.

Ignoring Domain Expiry Dates

Mistake: Allowing the domain to expire during the transfer. Solution: Renew the domain before initiating the transfer to avoid disruptions in service.

Incomplete Documentation

Mistake: Providing incomplete or inaccurate documentation during the transfer request. Solution: Double-check and ensure all required documents are accurate and up-to-date for a smooth transfer process.

Missing Authorization Codes

Mistake: Forgetting to obtain and provide the authorization code from the current registrar. Solution: Request and confirm the authorization code before initiating the transfer to the new registrar.

Incorrect Contact Information

Mistake: Using outdated or incorrect contact information for the domain owner. Solution: Update and verify contact details to ensure proper communication during the transfer process.

Not Unlocking the Domain

Mistake: Failing to unlock the domain at the current registrar before initiating the transfer. Solution: Unlock the domain to allow the transfer process to proceed smoothly.

Skipping the DNS Check

Mistake: Not checking the DNS settings before initiating the transfer. Solution: Verify and document DNS settings to avoid disruptions to website and email services during the transfer.

Learn and Avoid Common Pitfalls Now
