Best Domain Name  System Security Extensions

The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a suite of extensions to DNS (Domain Name System) designed to add an additional layer of security by validating the authenticity and integrity of DNS data.

Key DNSSEC Extensions

DNSKEY (DNS Key Record)

Purpose: Contains the public key used to sign the zone's DNSSEC data.

Importance: Fundamental for the DNSSEC chain of trust.

RRSIG (Resource Record Signature)

Purpose: Contains the digital signature for a specific set of DNS records.

Importance: Ensures the authenticity and integrity of DNS records.

NSEC (Next Secure)

Purpose: Enumerates the resource record (RR) types that exist for a domain name and those that do not exist.

Importance: Helps prevent certain types of attacks, such as zone walking.

DS (Delegation Signer)

Purpose: Used in the parent zone to authenticate the public key in the child zone.

Importance: Essential for establishing the chain of trust in DNSSEC.

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