A Guide to Nslookup and Essential Nslookup Commands

What is Nslookup?

Nslookup, short for "Name Server Lookup," is a command-line tool used to query DNS (Domain Name System) to obtain domain name or IP address information.

Basic Nslookup Commands

Syntax: nslookup [domain] Example: nslookup www.example.com Output: Displays information like IP addresses,               authoritative servers, and query times.

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Getting Started

Command: nslookup [domain] Use Case: Resolve a domain name to its corresponding IP address. Example: nslookup www.google.com

Finding IP Addresses with Nslookup

Command: nslookup [IP address] Use Case: Obtain the domain name associated with a given IP address. Example: nslookup

Resolving IP to Domain Name

Command: nslookup [domain] [DNS server] Use Case: Allows querying a specific DNS server for information. Example: nslookup www.example.com

Customizing Nslookup

Read A Guide To Nameserver and Its Functions
