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Expired Domain Names

Expired Domain Names: Everything You Should Know

Domains February 3rd 2022

Are you launching your business on the web? Are you planning to migrate your website over to a new domain? Look for expired domain names! If you find a good match, this second-hand site can appear to be a great step towards your business success. 

But before you start with your domain search, here’s all that you need to know. 

What are Expired Domain Names?

A domain name is an address to a website In case you need to research and find a website, then you must know the website’s address or its domain name. This means that a domain name gives a website’s IP address a more straightforward name. In essence, an IP address consists of a more complex string of numbers that are different for all sites.

A domain name can easily be purchased through different domain hosting providers and on an annual basis. The maximum number of years that a user can register a domain name is for 10 years. Once this time period is over, the user has to renew the domain name. If the user fails to renew it, then the domain name expires. A quick expire domain search online can help users find these easily.

3 Things That You Need to Know About Expired Domain Names

1. When does a domain name expire?

After buying a domain, there is a specific time given and usually in 10 years, a domain name lasts. Once the set time passes away, there is a choice to renew it that is given to someone who has bought that domain name. Also, one can choose renewal upon expiry while purchasing a domain name. Nonpayment deprives one of this privilege. 

This is when a domain name expires. Most of the time the user gets a grace period of about 30 days to renew it. If it is still not renewed, then the domain name is up for grabs for other users. Post the grace period, the domain name is usually auctioned at third-party organizations. 

2. Can an expired domain name be used?

Yes, it’s usable. Basically, upon some specified time frame lapsing without the domain name’s first user renewing its standing, this domain name becomes purchasable by anybody else. The demand for top-value domain names is usually high as well. You could potentially improve your business by buying a domain name that expired because you are able tap into existing traffic and backlinks meant for that domain.

3. Do you have to wait for the domain name to expire to purchase it?

There might be multiple users who are interested in the same domain name. However, only one user can get the domain name. This is when ‘backorder’ comes into play. This means that once the domain expires from the first user, this is reserved for the second user. When the domain name becomes available, then it automatically gets transferred to the second user. Hence, the second user is saved from the time and effort of waiting for the domain name to expire and then competing with other bidders.

Evaluating the Pros & Cons – Are Expired Domain Names The Right Choice For You? 

Expired Domain NamesPros of Using An Expired Domain Name

If used well, expired domain name have great potential to make your business successful. Here are some advantages of using them:

1. Cheaper options

The purpose of expired domain names is for new users to get old domain names for a cheaper price. This means a new user can lower their investment in businesses and get expire domain names that have been previously used.

2. Time and effort saving

In cases where the new user has done good research, there is a chance they will end up saving a lot of money, time and effort. If the previous website ran well with great traffic, then the new user does not have to invest much there.

3. Selling it for a profit

There are several investors who purchase these domain names at wholesale prices and sell them for a profit later. This might be a great way to make money as well. This is often also known as domain flipping. 

In nutshell, if you are looking to save time and money, and make some extra bucks on the side, expired domain names can be a boon for you.

Cons of Using An Expired Domain Name

If an expired domain name is not used carefully, it might actually lead to breaking a business. Here are some of the disadvantages to look out for when purchasing them:

1. Limited choices

Since the domain names that expire are only limited, the choice of these domains for a new user also becomes limited. Moreover, the user might have to wait for the domain name to expire and then purchase it at an auction. This is a lengthy process, but might be beneficial for the user as well.

2. Risk of scams

There is a high risk of scams if there has been no previous background check for the domain name. Thus, this is the most important step before purchasing second hand domains. If the previous website in that domain name was penalized for any reason, the repercussions might be faced by the new website.

3. Risk of being expensive

Any expired domain name goes to an auction house from where it is auctioned out to bidders. If there is a specific bidder who wants the domain name at any cost, this auction might turn out to be expensive.

Avoiding mistakes by knowing these disadvantages can help a smart user ensure success.

How To Purchase An Expired Domain Name? 

A user can find out which name goes to which auction house. There are popular expired domain marketplaces that offer this service. The typical price to buy expired domain name is anywhere between $10 and $12. However, it can go up to a few hundred dollars as well. There are several websites online that can tell you the owner, IP address and expiration date of a website. This is exactly how potential buyers of a domain name can track and monitor their desired names. A domain search will help users find expired domain names online. 

Who Purchases Expired Domain Names? 

Generally, expire domain name auctions see a lot of different kinds of people who bid.

1. Investors

A popular group is that of investors who come and buy old domain names at a wholesale price. They might then use this domain name later themselves, or resell it for a higher price and enjoy profits.

2. Individuals

Individuals who are end-users who might have been eyeing a specific domain name are part of these auctions. These end-users are generally willing to pay higher prices for domain names that have a higher value.

3. Companies

Companies that could use these domain names are a big part of these auctions. These companies are ones that might not have been able to reach the previous user directly and have been tracking the domain name to buy it then. This category also includes a few companies that work for clients and monitor the expiration of certain domain names and bid on their behalf.

5 Factors to Consider Before Buying an Expired Domain Name

Investing in an expired domain name might not sound very pleasing. However, if it is done with careful research, it might prove to be beneficial for the user. Here are some points a user might want to consider before zeroing down on an expired domain name:

Expired Domain Names

1. Auto-renew option 

If a user is extremely sure of the domain name, the auto-renewal option is a great one. This would prevent the domain name from expiring again and landing in someone else’s hands. Moreover, the user will also get notified a few days before expiration.

2. Reputation of the domain name 

The reputation of the domain name plays a big part in how successful the new website would be. Lapsed domain names are usually purchased only for its goodwill, but extensive research and background checks should be done. This also increases the visibility of the website. 

3. Activities of the domain user 

When a user is buying an expired domain name, checking for previous activities is very essential. If the domain name was misused previously, there is a high chance that the new user might get heavily affected by it. To stay away from any illegal activities, crimes, and scams, a thorough background check is needed.

4. Check for bans

A domain name might be banned if it is carrying out illegal activities or scams. It can also be banned if it infringes another domain or company’s trademarks or rights. Before investing in an expired domain name, this is something to be careful about.

5. Number of previous expirations

Another thing to consider before purchasing an expired domain name is how many times it has expired before it was available. If it was used by several different users who were not willing to renew it, there is a possibility of an issue with the domain name.

In summary, these are some factors that users should look out for when they start their expired domain name search.

Buying An Expired Domain Name From The Right Provider – The Final Step!

4 Popular Marketplaces and Auction Houses for Expired Domain Names

There are millions of marketplaces online where one can get expired domain names from. However, there are a few old ones that are usually trusted by those in the industry. Here are some of them:

1. GoDaddy 

godaddy - expired domain names

GoDaddy is one of the most popular web hosting service providers. However, they also offer great auction services for cheap expired domain names. It is open to the public and anyone can bid on these domain names. After 36 days, if there are no bidders or takers, then it gets a grace period of 5 days for restoration. After this, it goes back to the registrar.  GoDaddy is best known for expired domain names sale at the most nominal prices.

2. NameJet

Expired Domain Names

NameJet is a premier marketplace for auctions of expired domain names. These are generally a little more expensive here but are still genuine. The expired domain names here are also hand-picked for authenticity by experts. NameJet usually has a great range of domain names that range from businesses to entertainment to education.

3. SnapNames

snapnames - expired domain names

SnapNames has around 30 million domain names that have expired. It is most popular for the backorder option and services that they provide. SnapNames is an old name in the industry and is known for its high quality. SnapNames is particularly known by experts and regular users for their services.

4. Expired Domains

Expired Domain Names

This is one of the more renowned websites, more because of the easy and relatable domain name it holds. It has a huge list of domain names that have expire and are available for the public. The best part about Expired Domains is that is gives the user a comprehensive overview of the domain name, its history, backlinks, reputation, and everything else that the user might want to know.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What Is a domain name?

Ans. A domain name is a unique address used to access a website on the internet, like ABC.com”. 

Q 2. What are Expired Domain Names? 

Ans. An expired domain name is a web address that was once used by someone, but not renewed and can now be bought.

Q 3. Where can a user purchase expire domain names?

Ans. There are many places online where they put domain names that are no longer in existence in bid. These are open to the public for auction. Any user may bid on any expired domain she/he is interested in. There is also an option of backordering on such sites.

Q 4. How can a user get an expired domain name back?

Ans. If the in 30 days the owner has not renewed it, he still has other options to have his domain name renewed by the owner due to the grace period that is usually given. 

Q 5. Does GoDaddy offer expire domain names?

Ans. GoDaddy is famous for expired domain names. It is an auction house where a user needs membership to bid on some domain names. There is a proxy bidding service that GoDaddy uses to run these auctions.

Q 6. Are all expired domain names auctioned?

Ans. GoDaddy auctions domains after expiry. Also, after even though a domain name is auctioned, it may not be. In these cases, it is returned to the registrar. Post this, a redemption fee and a renewal fee have to be paid to restore the domain name.

Q 7. How Do You Buy an Expired Domain Name? 

Ans. One can purchase an expired domain on auction sites, domain registrars or dedicated platforms featuring expired domain names. 

Q 8. What Happens When a Domain Expires? 

Ans. When a domain expires, there is a period of grace in which it is possible for the original titleholder to renew it. In case it is not restored, the other person may buy it.

Q 9. What are the Risks Associated with Buying Expired Domains? 

Ans. The chances arising from buying expired domain names include what happens when the previous user was a lawbreaker leading to possible court actions due to intellectual property rights violations, or you may adopt the poor image and punishment meted out for the site’s former purposes.

Q 10. What are domain backorders?

Ans. There are several popular domain names that are wanted by multiple users at the same time. However, only one of the users can get a specific domain name. In these cases, a domain backorder service is initiated. This implies that as soon as this domain becomes available to the public, it is purchased on the new user’s behalf.

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