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Content Delivery Network vs  Cloud Services

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What is a CDN?

They are servers that are distributed in different locations, delivering web content to users based on location.

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What are Cloud Services?

They are any computing resources that are offered over the internet rather than being hosted on local servers or personal computers.

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How CDNs Work?

They cache content in multiple locations worldwide, ensuring faster delivery and reduced latency for users.

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How Cloud Services Work?

They store, manage, and process data on remote servers that are hosted on Internet, to make it accessible from anywhere.

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Key Differences

CDNs enhance content delivery.


Cloud services offer computing resources.

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CDNs cache content.


Cloud services provide storage and computing power.

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CDN: When you need to improve website speed and performance for a global audience.


Cloud Services: When you need to grow computing resources and flexible IT infrastructure.

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Learn What Are the Benefits of Using Cloud Infrastructure
