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What is Lazy Loading?

Why It is Vital for WordPress Websites

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Lazy loading in WordPress is a technique used to improve the performance and speed of a website by delaying the loading of non-critical resources, such as images, videos, and iframes, until they are needed.

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Improved Page Load Speed

Lazy loading minimizes the amount of data that must be loaded initially, making the page look faster to consumers by loading only the content that is displayed at first.

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Reduced Bandwidth Usage

Lazy loading can assist reduce the amount of data transferred, which can be advantageous for users with restricted bandwidth, as images and other media are only loaded when needed.

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Enhanced User Experience

Faster load times and smoother scrolling improve the overall experience for users, particularly on long pages with lots of media content.


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SEO Benefits

Search engines like Google take page speed into consideration, therefore faster pages can also help a website's rating.

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A Guide to Migrate from to Self-Hosted WordPress
