A Guide to Common SSL Errors 

How to Troubleshoot Them

SSL/TLS Handshake Failure

Cause: The SSL/TLS handshake process failed to establish a secure connection.

Possible reasons: Incorrect SSL/TLS version, incompatible cipher suites, expired or self-signed certificates.

Certificate Expired

Cause: The SSL/TLS certificate presented by the server has expired.

Solution: Renew the SSL/TLS certificate on the server.

Certificate Not Trusted

Cause: The certificate authority (CA) that issued the SSL/TLS certificate is not recognized or trusted by the browser.

Solution: Use a certificate from a trusted CA or import the CA's root certificate into the browser's trust store.

Certificate Not Trusted

Cause: The certificate authority (CA) that issued the SSL/TLS certificate is not recognized or trusted by the browser.

Solution: Use a certificate from a trusted CA or import the CA's root certificate into the browser's trust store.

Mismatched Domain

Cause: The common name or subject alternative name (SAN) on the SSL/TLS certificate does not match the domain of the website.

Solution: Ensure that the certificate matches the domain it is intended for.

Mixed Content

Cause: The web page contains a mix of secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) content.

Solution: Ensure that all resources on the page (images, scripts, etc.) are loaded securely via HTTPS.

Choose Your SSL Services Provider Wisely to Avoid Errors
