The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Backup Plugins


UpdraftPlus is one of the most popular and widely used backup plugins for WordPress. It allows you to schedule automatic backups and store them on cloud services.


BackupBuddy is a premium backup plugin that offers a range of features. It provides automatic backups, scheduling options, and the ability to store backups offsite on destinations.

VaultPress (Jetpack Backup)

VaultPress is now part of the Jetpack plugin, offering backup services along with other security features. It provides real-time backups, automated daily backups, and one-click restores.


BackWPup is a free plugin that allows you to schedule automatic backups of your site. It supports various storage destinations, including Dropbox, Amazon S3, FTP, and more.


While Duplicator is primarily known for its migration capabilities, it also offers backup features. It enables you to create manual backups or schedule them for regular intervals.

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