Azure Serverless Computing

Explore Its Benefits

Azure Serverless Computing is a Microsoft Azure cloud service allowing developers to create and run applications without handling the underlying infrastructure.

Key Features

Event-Driven Execution

Azure Serverless uses an event-driven model, triggering functions based on events like HTTP requests, data changes, or timers. This allows developers to respond in real-time.


Azure Serverless platforms scale your applications automatically as needed. Functions respond to events, and Azure allocates resources dynamically to manage the workload.

Stateless Execution

Functions in a serverless environment are designed to be stateless. They are short-lived and state is maintained externally. This setup simplifies development and enables seamless scalability.

Pay-Per-Use Billing

Azure Serverless offers a cost-effective pay-as-you-go model, where you only pay for the computing resources used during function execution.

Learn How Serverless Computing is Impacting Cloud Industry
