How to Improve the Security of Your Magento Store 

Essential Tips

Get SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate ensures that sensitive information like login credentials, personal details, and payment information remains secure during transit.

Security Patch Management

Magento regularly releases security patches to address vulnerabilities in the platform. Regularly check for updates and apply them to safeguard your store against known security risks.

Remove Inactive Plugins

Unused or inactive plugins can become a security risk if they are not regularly updated. It's important to regularly audit and remove any plugins that are no longer needed to reduce vulnerability.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of authentication before gaining access to the Magento admin panel.

Frequent Backups

Regular backups are a crucial aspect of security. Having recent backups ensures that you can restore your Magento store to a previous, secure state.

Scan for Malicious Code

Regularly scanning your Magento store's codebase for any signs of malicious code or malware is essential. Detecting and removing such code promptly helps prevent potential security breaches and data compromises.

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