Tips for Paraphrasing Content | 5 Suggested Paraphrasing Tools to Use
Technology Tips April 18th 2022Paraphrasing with a tool sounds like a simple enough job. You paste in the content, click the button, and get the rephrased results within seconds. What could go wrong? Turns out, there is a lot more to paraphrasing than just putting some content in a tool and then pressing a button to get the results.
In this post, we are going to be looking at some tips for paraphrasing that can help you properly without changing the original context and quality.
What is Paraphrasing?
Before we get into discussing how to start paraphrasing, we should clear up what paraphrasing actually is.
Paraphrasing is the act of taking a piece of content and changing the word and sentence structures without altering the original context/meaning. Paraphrasing can be categorized into two types. It can either be thorough or it can be a half-hearted job….which just involves changing a few words with synonyms. The latter is considered more or less the same as plagiarism.
Tips for Bloggers and Webmasters to Paraphrase Content
⦁ Pick the Right Tool
The first thing that you have to be particular about is picking the right tool.
As we mentioned earlier, paraphrasing can either be done in a neat and thorough way, or it can be a half-hearted job in which the paraphrased content is almost identical to the original one. Some tools on the internet are not that good, and they just haphazardly replace a few words with synonyms without caring for the overall context and meaning.
Some tools, on the other hand, work more intelligently and they only use synonyms that are directly related to the original words. When picking a paraphrasing tool, you should first try out its working a couple of times with a few lines of text. You should also what other users on the internet have to say about it.
⦁ Proofread and Edit
Regardless of the tool you’re using, you should always check and proofread the paraphrased content before finalizing it. It’s worth remembering that tools are, after all, automated, and they don’t have the intelligence of a human being.
Even if you are using a state-of-the-art tool, you should still proofread the output text to make sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or contextual errors in it.
⦁ Pick the Proper Mode
This applies only to the paraphrasing tools that come with different paraphrase mode. Having multiple paraphrasing modes is a common feature that is found in most tools nowadays. You’ll also see this in some of the tools that we will discuss further on in this post.
The different modes offered by the tools basically decide the number of changes that will be affected to the given text. Most tools give a standard or basic mode that only replaces a few words in the content and an advanced mode that changes the sentence structures as well. So, when you want to paraphrase a piece of content, be sure to pick a paraphrase mode according to your requirements.
That’s pretty much it for the tips on paraphrasing. Let’s get started with some recommended tools that you can use for paraphrasing your content.
5 Suggested Tools for Paraphrasing
1. Softo.org
Softo.org is not only the name of a paraphrasing tool. It’s actually a whole platform that comes with more than 200 different SEO and content optimization utilities. But we’ll only be discussing their paraphrasing tool in this post.
Softo.org’s paraphrasing tool comes with a lot of useful features. It has four different languages that you can pick from. You can upload files directly from your system storage, and download the paraphrased content back once the process is complete.
This paraphrasing features two different paraphrasing modes i.e., Simple Mode and AI Mode. The simple mode only changes a few words in the input text whereas the AI mode does a more thorough job.
⦁ Free to use
⦁ Multiple languages supported
⦁ Two different modes are available
⦁ No limit on entered words
⦁ AI mode works intelligently and does not ruin the original meaning of the given text
2. Paraphraser.io
Paraphraser.io is yet another excellent tool that you can use for paraphrasing content. It comes with a lot of useful features; some of which are available only to paid users. This tool is free to start. However, if you want to, you can purchase a paid plan at $20/month or $150/year.
There are three different modes that you can choose from with this tool. They include the ‘Fluency’, ‘Standard’ and ‘Creative’. The standard mode comes with the most basic functionality, and it only replaces specific words in the given text with their synonyms.
On the other hand, ‘Fluency’ and ‘Creative’ modes work more thoroughly, and they also change the sentence structures. The ‘Creative’ mode, however, is only available to paid users.
⦁ Supports multiple languages
⦁ 500-word limit for free users and 1,000 word-limit for paid users
⦁ Three different modes are available
⦁ Free to start
3. Plagiarismremover.net
Plagiarismremover.net comes with different content optimization tools. It also has a paraphrase that you can use for free. The paraphrasing tool by Plagiarismremover.net works intelligently. It does not wreck the sense and original context of the entered text.
The process is quick to complete, and you can copy the results to your clipboard once the text is changed. You can also download the paraphrased text to your device in the ‘.txt’ and ‘.doc’ format.
⦁ Free to use
⦁ Gives intelligent results
⦁ Results can be saved and copied
⦁ Supports multiple languages
4. Rewritertools.com
The paraphrasing tool by Rewritertools.com is free to use and does not require any sort of registration or sign-up. Since we want to keep this honest, we should mention that this paraphrasing tool did not maintain the original context of the given text as much as some of the others mentioned on this list.
However, it does come with some other features that make up for that.
It highlights all the changed words in different colors so that they are easy to spot. If you click on a changed word, you will be able to see some more suitable suggestions to use in place of it.
And once you are done editing the words, you can click on the ‘Next’ button to finalize the text. The finalized text will be in plain black (viz. without the colored words), and you can use it instantly by copying it to your clipboard. You can also download it in ‘.doc’ format.
⦁ Free to use
⦁ Gives useful options for replaced words
⦁ Results can be instantly copied or downloaded
⦁ No sign-up needed
5. Linguix.com
Linguix.com is, in all honesty, one of the most intelligent and reliable paraphrasing tools that we have used so far. However, it comes with a lot of limitations…which does not make it ideal for bloggers and webmasters.
For one, you can only enter 300 characters in the input field. 300 characters are about 50 words…so that gives us an idea of how limited the functionality of this tool is. Furthermore, the tool does not let you add any type of symbols or special characters. You also cannot use any letters from a different language. But the results were simply outstanding.
The tool completely changed the sentence structures but without changing the context even slightly. It basically created completely new text from the input that we provided.
⦁ Free to start
⦁ Web-based
⦁ Quick results
⦁ Extremely intelligent working
Paraphrasing content sounds like a simple enough job, but there is actually a lot more to it than just pasting some text in the input box and clicking a button to run the process.
In this post, we looked at some tips that you can follow to make sure that your paraphrased content looks like a thorough job instead of a half-hearted one.